
Food and Nutrition


This site is designed to support the third edition of Food and Nutrition edited by Mark Wahlqvist and contains a testbank of questions, links and information about the book. You can navigate between the following sections by choosing the links that appear at the top of the screen.

The Food and Nutrition testbank consists of multiple choice questions that test your knowledge of the topics covered in the book. You can use these questions to check your understanding as you read through each chapter, or practise for your exam.

The Food and Nutrition testbank is available to lecturers and tutors who use the book as a teaching text. If you would like to obtain a password, please contact Allen & Unwin at academic@allenandunwin.com

The Links page contains links to useful food and nutrition related websites that are referred to in the book.

About the book includes information about the book and authors, a table of contents and a link to where you can purchase a copy of the book.

For any comments or suggestions about this site please contact webgoddess@allenandunwin.com